Soul Sessions with Ansu

Expand your practice, light up your soul.

Sound Of Being

A harmonious blend of powerful breathwork, guided meditation and sound healing to bring your whole self back to a state of homeostasis.

A practice to bring you healing, peace, and rejuvenation and deep rest.



Twine yoga studio tuncurry



Twine Yoga Studio newcastle

Click here to book Twine events

This event is accessible to most, if you are pregnant, have a pacemaker or schizophrenia, please make Jenna aware before your booking.

Yin & SOund Wash

A moment for your whole self.

A beautiful combination of gentle movement, breath and sound healing to balance you physical, emotional and energetic bodies. Show up ready to breathe, release and open to healing.

This event is accessible to most, if you are pregnant, have a pacemaker or schizophrenia, please make Jenna aware before your booking.

Feb 18 11.30am

Investment $50

Coffs Harbour

This event occurs every month (check sol website for latest date)

At the sol Collective

Click here to secure your spot at Sol